Wisa Wisesjindawat Fink

Postdoctoral fellow of the MCW project, James Madison College, MSU

(Ph.D., Environmental Geography; National University of Singapore) Wisa is highly motivated in applying scientific knowledge into action in the integrated nature of human-environment interactions for livelihood and policy improvement, with a focus on participatory approach and GIS techniques in a wide range of project implementations in the Mekong Region. Wisa has been active in the promotion of human security and livelihood development including education planning, culture landscape and vulnerability mapping, mapping the spread of HIV/AIDS in the north of Thailand, developing solutions for statelessness for highland people and UXO clearance mapping in the Plain of Jars in Laos, monitoring and management of wetlands, land use and land cover changes, and Spatio-temporal models of fish abundance and species richness for fisheries management on the Mekong River. Moreover, Wisa has been a key expert for the Mekong River Commission (MRC-Laos) in conducting a ‘State of the Mekong Basin’ report, a technical adviser for WWF-Laos for two terms to conduct a study of headwaters conservation of the Dong Houa Sao National Biodiversity Conservation Area (NBCA) in Champassak in Laos, and a research collaborator for Michigan State University. Wisa has specialized knowledge of freshwater ecology, expansive knowledge of promoting local ecological knowledge of fishermen into scientific platforms for research development, and developing databases and survey techniques.
